Forum Discussion

Qasim's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Feb 19, 2020

Health Monitoring



I want to create a health monitor for servers (Linux and Windows) but struggling it with, the servers are not running any IIS or APACHE as they use Jetty. can you please help me with the method?




  • NAG's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus


    F5 Health monitors are independent system or server platform.


    You can have monitors setup in to ways:


    1) Check if the server is up. This can be done by pinging the IP with ICMP packets.


    2) Service check monitors. This are used to to check the health of the services(example HTTP, DNS, POP, SIP etc) hosted on the servers.


    Here are more details on Health monitor concepts on F5 LTM Devices


    • Qasim's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Hi​ Nag,

      Thanks for your response. Sorry I forgot to mention that I want to setup a monitor to monitor a cpu of a server that uses jetty instead Apache and iis​. Based on the threshold the f5 should mark the server down or Up.

      Kind regards,​

      • NAG's avatar
        Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

        Hi Qasim,


        You can use performance check monitors on LTM to query any system for CPU usage and make load balancing decisions


        Here is more on it.


        "About performance check monitors

        A performance check monitor interacts with servers to determine the server load, and to acquire information about the condition of virtual servers.

        An SNMP DCA monitor, for example, checks the current CPU, memory, and disk usage of a pool, pool member, or node that is running an SNMP data collection agent, and then dynamically load balances traffic accordingly.



        Hope it helps you to get an idea how it works.


        Kind regards,
