Forum Discussion

kridsana_52318's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 26, 2014

HA with different platform

Can I do HA pair between BIGIP 3600 and BIGIP 2000/4000 by using firmware v.11.4.1 ?


Is it have un-support feature like fips, compression card, etc and make the whole system not working correctly?


Thank you


  • Hi, Is is possible to do HA group between hardware platform and virtual edition? thanks,


  • There is no support for different platform types being set up as a pair


    i believe it is supported.


    They can't sync, mirror, or anything else.


    configsync should work. it makes sense that connection mirroring may not work since platform is different.


  • F5 support talk to me


    "At the very most, you can failover between two different platform types, but that would be it. They can't sync, mirror, or anything else. There is no support for different platform types being set up as a pair."


    Is this really supported?


  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    "Devices in a device group must match as closely as possible with respect to product licensing and module provisioning. Heterogeneous hardware platforms within a device group are supported."


    See: "Manual Chapter: Creating an Active-Standby Configuration using the Configuration Utility"


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