Forum Discussion

kridsana_52318's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 27, 2014

HA Connection lost after change Management IP address

Hi guy,


I have a problem after change mgmt IP. It's HA connection lost (result in IP conflict and downtime)


I have to change management IP address of BIG-IP redundant pair. But when we change it, HA connection lost and it's become active/active which cause us a downtime of application.


I have configsync and failover unicast IP is (peer is which connect directly with each other.


How can this occur? Is really changing mgmt IP of the box cause it HA connection lost?


Note. In v. 10.2.4 , we can change it just fine. Now we currently Running v.11.4.1 HF5


  • but this have error log repeatly. "bigip-ve06 notice sod[5511]: 010c0062:5: Config digest module error: Traffic group device not found.."


    it is benign which could be fixed in 12.0.


    ID474149 Take care of non-self device mgmt IP address change in SOD


    • kridsana's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
      It's seem I using command "bigstart restart sod" and then this log gone. I will monitor for a bit.
  • Last two question.


    Did I have to reset device trust ? Or just add peer list with the new MGMT IP is enough (It will update automatically) ?


    And If I have to reset device trust and create a new sync-failover group. what option I have to choose between retain authority and create a new certificate in device trust menu?


    Thank you very much


  • Did I have to reset device trust ? Or just add peer list with the new MGMT IP is enough (It will update automatically) ?


    i understand you do not need to reset (i.e. add device again and it will update the existing device).


    And If I have to reset device trust and create a new sync-failover group. what option I have to choose between retain authority and create a new certificate in device trust menu?


    it is just whether you want to keep ca certificate (dtca.crt) or create a new one. if there are only 2 devices, either should be fine.


  • FYI about trouble I got today


    If you have configuration on traffic-group about "Auto failback" . you can't just re-add peer list because BIG-IP can't delete the old peer somehow.


    Problem solved with delete auto failback before change MGMT IP.


    Thank you very much


  • Emo_Gokay_22518's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    It is expected to lose the HA setup after changing the management IP on a device that is part of HA. More importantly how was the management IP changed, I would do it in the following order: I hope this helps.


    Reassign new mgmt. IP or change mgmt. IP to F5 that is in HA pair or environment


    1. Create UCS file and download them to your PC from both units
    2. Put the F5 in question in standby mode
    3. Force it offline and KEEP it OFFLINE till you finish this process
    4. Break the HA between those Units by resetting the trust on both units (they will read “standalone”)
    5. Make sure that unit in question is and stays in “OFFLINE” state
    6. Re-assign the new mgmt. IP and make sure you have access to it with the new IP
    7. Make sure that unit in question is still and stays in “OFFLINE” state
    8. Rebuild the HA with the new mgmt. IP from the active unit
    9. Add the units/hostnames in the sync-failover group
    10. Sync the units from the active “self” and check the “override config” check box
    11. if successful they should be in sync
    12. test the sync feature by creating a test http monitor on the active and sync it over
    13. if that replicates it on the offline F5 it is working and you can delete the test monitor and sync
    14. now you can release the unit in question from “OFFLINE” state
    15. if you need to re-assign new IP on the active unit as well, perform failover so the initial active becomes standby and repeat the process above starting from step 3