Forum Discussion

Anzine321's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Jul 24, 2023

gtm sync group different software version

hi expert

i want to upgrade gtm from version 14 to 16 but velos doesnt support version 16 but viprion support and between gtm are syncgroup

is it fine to running different version or should have same version to prevent problem iquery communication ?

as i know that we can change old big3d version to new by running big3d install on new version to old version without install os version ?


  • Also forgot to mention, I would NEVER run a GTM sync group across different versions of F5 BIGIP. Just don't do it, unless you want a world of pain. Mixing LTM and GTM is fine, but the big3d daemon may need to be updated on the LTM, assuming GTM is running newer code.

4 Replies

  • Hi,

    14.x Onwards F5 GTM is more intelligent. There should not be in issue. Infact i have tested in multiversion of GTM v15.x n ltm 13.x.  However Velos no idea. Better to open support case to know more. 


  • Didn't I tell you in another post to avoid BIG-IP v16? If you have to use never code, standardize on v17. Also v15 is rock solid and supported until Dec 2024.

    • whisperer's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      Also forgot to mention, I would NEVER run a GTM sync group across different versions of F5 BIGIP. Just don't do it, unless you want a world of pain. Mixing LTM and GTM is fine, but the big3d daemon may need to be updated on the LTM, assuming GTM is running newer code.

    • Anzine321's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      can you tell me toavoid v16 ? we have more big ip that we dont want to upgrade frequently if using v15

      that why i want to upgrade v17.1.0.2 than v16