Forum Discussion

Red_19's avatar
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May 07, 2018

GTM Pool member-order ?

For the following GTM pool config, how do the member-order numbers work out ? will vs with member-order 0 be preferred first or virtual server with the highest number, in the below case 1 ?


"create gtm pool a test_pool load-balancing-mode global-availability alternate-mode global-availability members add { VS_US { member-order 0 } VS_NZ { member-order 1 } } "




  • In Global Availability load balancing method, The member with lowest order will be preferred first to serve the traffic.


    In your case, the member with order 0 will serve the traffic first. If the member with order 0 is unavailable,then the traffic will go to next lowest order member(i.e., order 1 here)


  • In Global Availability load balancing method, The member with lowest order will be preferred first to serve the traffic.


    In your case, the member with order 0 will serve the traffic first. If the member with order 0 is unavailable,then the traffic will go to next lowest order member(i.e., order 1 here)


  • Its not the about method specific; In general case also pool member order is 0(Lowest) will be consider first to serve traffic connection but we can change the order preference.


    I have captured the tcpdump and dig into it.