Forum Discussion

williambb_9960's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 31, 2013

GlobalLB::Pool - How do I query GTM poolmember names?

We're running BIG-IP 9.3.1 Build 37.1 on our GTM. I need to pull the names of GTM poolmembers (no problem getting the poolmember definitions, status, etc.) but I don't see a property definition in the 9.x iControl assembly that gives it. Any ideas how to pull this info?


  • Is this what you're looking for?

    $poollist = (Get-F5.iControl).GlobalLBPool.get_list()
    $memberlist = (Get-F5.iControl).GlobalLBPool.get_member($poollist)
    $memcount = $memberlist.count
    $i=0;while($i -le ($memcount-1)){$memberlist.Get($i).member;$i++}
  • No - GlobalLBPool.get_member returns a PoolMemberDefinition object (pool member IP/port and order) but no name.


    Fortunately we've upgraded to v11.4 and iControl exposes the field. Thx for taking a shot at it anyway. Glad people are trying to pitch in.