Forum Discussion

wrightnz_34708's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 03, 2010

Far futures expire headers

Hi - hope this is the correct place to pose a few WA related questions



We are using a fairly standard web accelerator policy based on the L1 template for a number of sites running the Dotnetnuke (DNN) CMS package - which devcentral also appears to use.






1. how do you configure far future expires on all css, images, and js? - say 20 years forward?


2. how do you stop user details being cached in competition entry forms etc


3. does devcentral use WA and is there a template / recommended WA config for use with Dotnetnuke ?



Many thanks



  • 1. how do you configure far future expires on all css, images, and js? - say 20 years forward?


    From the policy expand the static node


    Select Components - images and includes (css,js) are listed here


    Select Acceleration Rules from the navigation bar drop down (it should read Matching Rules when you open the policy)


    Click Lifetime - here you can change both the WebAccelerator cache lifetime and the client cache lifetime. For most policies the default WebAccelerator lifetime is 4 hours and the client cache lifetime is 2 days you can increase these to 365 days.



    While many sites do set expirations beyond 1 year that is not RFC compliant and is not currently allowed by WebAccelerator.




    "To mark a response as "never expires," an origin server sends an Expires date approximately one year from the time the response is sent. HTTP/1.1 servers SHOULD NOT send Expires dates more than one year in the future. "




    2. how do you stop user details being cached in competition entry forms etc


    User credentials and form data isn't cached by WebAccelerator.



    3. does devcentral use WA and is there a template / recommended WA config for use with Dotnetnuke ?


    Yes DevCentral does use WA check out the RealIT video series on how it was deployed. I will defer to somebody from the DevCentral team to discuss any recommended configurations.
  • Thanks!



    Fixed my Google SEO issue re- expires...



    Will investigate further why user details are cached on submission forms - possibly due to web head caching in DNN web farm vs. Accelerator...