Forum Discussion

vadivelan's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 08, 2023

F5 r2800 HA standby box shows offline even the the network reachability fine

we have two r2800 serious F5 LTM/ASM in HA(Active standby) after power distrabution secondary box shows offline even the network rechablibity fine and it shows waiting for intial sync on device overiew sync option.

Moreover none of the securtiy modules shows on GUI and all the security module service stopped while check in cli.

tried to reboot again the secodary box and try to start the service in cli but no luck,

could any one konw the soluction to fix the issue.  please help to us to recover secondary box





  • Hi vadivelan,

    Have you checked the self IP having port lockdown feature is default, many time in new versions it is set as none

    The message "awaiting the initial config sync" typically indicates that units never were in synced state. 

    (Maybe due to re-creating the sync-failover device group.) Please check both units for the device settings (failover, config sync, mirroring). 

    Local self IPs need to be used for all these properties and the port lockdown should be set to "allow default". Both the devices network config do not sync to each other hance all the objects or config settings need to be done on both boxes individualy.

    Both units are added to the new sync-failover device group? 

    Device trust is established bi-directional (check device list on both machines). Make sure both units are on same time ("

    ntpq -p

    "). Watch the log file for error messages during config sync:

    tail -f /var/log/ltm

    run the below commands in BASH mode

    grep -i cmi /var/log/ltm

    grep -i configsync /var/log/ltm

    I would refer the following article and try to troubleshoot.

    Hope this helpsā€ƒ
