Forum Discussion

Manik_282561's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 06, 2017

F5 Log monitoring

We are having LTM,ASM and APM modules in our F5 device. I need to check and monitor the logs on daily basis. Please help me with commands and procedures to check the logs every day.


  • Unix command

    tail -f
    will print out the last 10 lines of a file and then wait for the file to grow.

    You can try other unix command to check log file

    cat /var/log/ltm | more  --> It will return page wise log file & press spacebar
    more /var/log/ltm 

    If you wanted to see older log(i.e previous day) file then

    zcat /var/log/ltm.1.gz | more

    Remote log management is always best option to monitor log.

  • Hi Manik


    tailf /var/log/ for instance tailf /var/log/ltm. this requires you to be ssh(ed) into the box on a daily basis. Alternatively you can setup remote logging, this should be best as you require daily basis analysis.

    HTH eben.


    • Manik_282561's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Eben,


      Thanks for you comments. Please help me on what needs to be check on daily basis in logs. I had tried the above command in cli I am getting logs.


    • eben_259100's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      The answer to this is "It depends" 1. what information you want to get. 2. what module you are troubleshooting. 3. etc. for instance, if you want information on config change, who made the change to the box and details like that, You will be looking at the audit logs.


  • eben's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hi Manik


    tailf /var/log/ for instance tailf /var/log/ltm. this requires you to be ssh(ed) into the box on a daily basis. Alternatively you can setup remote logging, this should be best as you require daily basis analysis.

    HTH eben.


    • Manik_282561's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Eben,


      Thanks for you comments. Please help me on what needs to be check on daily basis in logs. I had tried the above command in cli I am getting logs.


    • eben's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      The answer to this is "It depends" 1. what information you want to get. 2. what module you are troubleshooting. 3. etc. for instance, if you want information on config change, who made the change to the box and details like that, You will be looking at the audit logs.


  • Unix command

    tail -f
    will print out the last 10 lines of a file and then wait for the file to grow.

    You can try other unix command to check log file

    cat /var/log/ltm | more  --> It will return page wise log file & press spacebar
    more /var/log/ltm 

    If you wanted to see older log(i.e previous day) file then

    zcat /var/log/ltm.1.gz | more

    Remote log management is always best option to monitor log.