Forum Discussion

MM_F_147944's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 31, 2016

F5 Loadbalancer loadbalcing between two Proxy Servers

I have to provide solution to my Customers for there Two Proxy Servers which they are using for there user about 1000. they have two Internet Connections for which they are using two Proxy Servers,they have following queries.


If one of internet connection is down how they will know and would the users will be switch to the other Proxy server which internet connection is up. They want to use one proxy server more then the other one how the loadbalancer do this.


  • So, thankfully - What you're wanting to do it completely simple. Here's how i would do it: New DNS Name created - (Hey - Why not use F5's GTM to do this) Create a VIP on an F5 LTM, Include two proxy servers in the pool.


    In regards to using one proxy more than other ? How much, a fixed ratio or more dynamic based on performance/connections ?


    You'll need to create a monitor that monitors the proxy effeticley, depending on what proxy you're using - You could do a combined check by browsing to a few well known websites and looking for an appropriate repsonse... (200OK - Or such like)


  • So, thankfully - What you're wanting to do it completely simple. Here's how i would do it: New DNS Name created - (Hey - Why not use F5's GTM to do this) Create a VIP on an F5 LTM, Include two proxy servers in the pool.


    In regards to using one proxy more than other ? How much, a fixed ratio or more dynamic based on performance/connections ?


    You'll need to create a monitor that monitors the proxy effeticley, depending on what proxy you're using - You could do a combined check by browsing to a few well known websites and looking for an appropriate repsonse... (200OK - Or such like)


    • MM_F_147944's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      First of all thanks for Reply


      following are some other queries


      Both proxies are in same subnet. should we configure F5 in Layer 2 or Layer 3. if we want to check google reachability as a health monitor what health monitor we have to use and what will be its configuration if not present specifically for google.


    • IainThomson85_1's avatar
      Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

      The F5 will be configured in both Layer 2 and 3....


      Word of warning: Don't just rely on the availability of one website for checks. Google (Or others) could see frequent checking as a mild DDoS type attack, and block the egress IP.


      I would implement multiple checks.


    • MM_F_147944's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks for reply


      we will not send ping but we will get the string and what value google will return.