Forum Discussion

Inani_230236's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 22, 2015

F5 LC warning message: warning sshd

Dear all, I have a set of F5 1600 LC for my company. Recently, using CLI : tail -f /var/log/ltm, I received below error messages. Can you elaborate on the error?


Oct 22 08:53:37 LC1 warning sshd[1649]: refused connect from ::ffff: (::ffff: Oct 22 09:21:02 LC1 warning sshd[1915]: refused connect from ::ffff: (::ffff: Oct 22 09:50:47 LC1 warning sshd[2028]: refused connect from ::ffff: (::ffff: Oct 22 10:21:43 LC1 warning sshd[2382]: refused connect from ::ffff: (::ffff:




  • Looks like that IP address is attempting an SSH connection to one of your Internet-facing IP addresses. If your LC is behind your firewall, you should review your firewall policies and be sure SSH traffic is being blocked. If it's not behind your firewall, you should ensure that you have your LC ports locked down sufficiently.


    And if you're paranoid like me, you should do both.