Forum Discussion

Muhannad_64809's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 05, 2018

F5 DNS Firewall



I am confused about an issue related to F5 DNS, i have an implementation where i have protected recursive DNS servers by F5 DNS Firewall, i have configured the allowed subscribers and DOS protection.


But i am confused about the protection features that i can offer for a Authoritative DNS since we cant filter addresses coz we need to allow any users to reach our DNS and check for zones/Domain.


So i am wondering what kind of protection F5-DNS can offer for authoritative DNS?


Looking forward to hearing from you.


Regards, Muhannad


  • I think you are better off trying to create a check list of protection that you require and see how you can implement it in F5 DNS/GTM. An easy way to create your own set of protection is to rely on iRule and DNS profile standard features.