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Warren_129981's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 17, 2013

F5 APM Advanced Customization Images



Apologizes in advance, as I'm new to F5 products.


Problem: I am struggling with getting 1 new image to display on the Access Policy Logon page. The goal is not trying to replace the existing header logo image, but rather ADD a new image in the footer. I did the following: * Uploaded gif using the APM "Image Browser" tool * Established link between "image09" and the gif through "Advanced Customization Images" * Edited the Common/ file to reference the gif:



Result: The logon page appears with a box indicating that it sees/recognizes the newly inserted code. But it doesn't show the actual gif. Inspecting the element shows that it inline translated the gif properly to: /public/images/customization/Common/service.name_ap_general_ui/image09_en.gif


I tried the same code with the direct reference to the file as well, but it had the same result. I'm stuck and not sure how to fix this. Any suggestions would be welcome.


  • Not my day apparently. ;)


    The HTML code input is displaying in the preview, but when posted to the site, it's not showing properly. Rather than fight with this, let me just state that this is the important code reference (nested within a div element): img srv=""


  • Okay, so you've uploaded the image. Now do the following:

    1. In Properties edit mode, navigate to Customization Settings - Access Profiles - [you access profile] - Common - Advanced Customization Images. Add you image to one of the 10 image links there. Make sure the new link shows the real path (ie. public/images/customization/...).

    2. Switch to Advanced edit mode. Under the same path, go to the file and add the following where appropriate:

  • Hi Warren,


    What version are you running? There were some changes with 11.4 and how hosted content is stored.




  • Found the solution. The permissions were set wrong on the target image. They were set to "r--------" with an ownership of root. I suspect this is because I copied the uploaded graphic (in the beginning) to different locations during troubleshooting. I changed the ownership/permissions to match of default logo like this: r--r--r-- tomcat webservices


    The graphic shows up now.


    Learning: No need to copy the gifs manually around to different locations. The Advanced Customization Image window does this for me.


    Thank you all for the help. It got me thinking about it more. :)


    • jojolee_118036's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I have a question, How do I down load the existing logo to my desktop. I cannot see them in the actual path to down load