Feb 08, 2012Nimbostratus
Extra SNMP Alert triggered
I have a few custom alerts setup in user_alert.conf that execute a perl script with an argument when triggered.
Issue I'm having is that a "No members available for pool" alert is also triggering my "Node status Down" alert which is resulting in the alert being processed twice.
Here is the error in the ltm log:
Feb 5 09:09:08 tmm err tmm[5905]: 01010028:3: No members available for pool /Common/test_pool
Here are the 2 custom alerts that both seem to be triggered:
alert CUSTOM_GENERAL_POOL_NO_MEMBER "No members available for pool (.*?)" {
exec command="/root/customAlertHandler.pl general"
alert CUSTOM_ERROR_POOL_MEMBER_STATUS_NODEDOWN "Pool (.*?) member (.*?) monitor status node down\." {
exec command="/root/customAlertHandler.pl nodeDown"
I'm unable to figure out why the Node Down alert is also being triggered by that error. Any ideas?