Forum Discussion

Rabbit23_116296's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 12, 2013

Exchange 2010 SP3, iApp template 2012_04_06 and Big IP 11.4.1 Build 608.0 - EWS issue

As per subject, is this combination supported? When using APM and Outlook anywhere I am having the following problem:

Dec 12 10:06:31 lhr4-lb-01 debug tmm3[9610]: 01490000:7: Enable ECA: select_ntlm:/exchange/ -application_combined_https
Dec 12 10:06:31 lhr4-lb-01 err eca[7202]: 0162000e:3: Invalid argument (/exchange/ ion_combined_https)
Dec 12 10:06:31 lhr4-lb-01 err eca[7202]: 0162000e:3: Invalid metadata (select_ntlm:/exchange/ 010-application_combined_https)
Dec 12 10:06:31 lhr4-lb-01 debug tmm2[9610]: 01490000:7: Matches RPC
Dec 12 10:06:31 lhr4-lb-01 err eca[7202]: 0162000e:3: Invalid argument (/exchange/ ion_combined_https)
Dec 12 10:06:31 lhr4-lb-01 err eca[7202]: 0162000e:3: Invalid metadata (select_ntlm:/exchange/ 010-application_combined_https)

Looking at this script block, is the object_name correctly formatted in the iApp template?

   Ntlm-auth requires a specially-named prefix to match a system irule.
    if { $key == "ntlm,ntlm-auth,combined_https" ||
         $key == "ntlm,ntlm-auth,oa_https" ||
         $key == "ntlm,ntlm-auth,edge" } {
        regsub ".app/exchange" $object_name \
               ".app/exch_ntlm_${app}" object_name