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RobertS1's avatar
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Jan 20, 2017

EUD not working on iSeries (i4000 & i5000)

Hello F5-ers,

We always run the EUD test on new hardware to make sure there are no DOA issues. So projects don't frustrated if there is an issue and the engineer finds out when the device goes into production. Now we have four new iSeries devices, but we are unable to run the EUD test.

Used these resources:

Ran the EUD first on a i4800, pick 'End User Diagnostics' from the grub boot loader. (connected via serial with putty)

Preparing the Enter Diagnostic Software, Please Wait....
Setup Box
Started alogd ... [OK]
Started aserviced... [OK]
Started arestd ... [OK]
Loading QAT...
Loading FPGA...
    HSB IO_12.0.11.1 loading successfully.

To check for the latest version of the EUD, including details of function changes, go to:

And then nothing happens anymore. On the display of the F5 itself it says "EUD in process, please wait" we let one F5's in this state for about 6 hours... nothing happened.

Also ran the EUD from USB-stick, same result. There is only 1 EUD version available now (EUD_SF-v3.2.0)

Then also tried to run EUD on a i5800 unit and i4600 units, all same result.

Anyone else ran into this?

Regards, Robert

  • Kevin_K_51432's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Morning Robert, I downloaded the latest EUD to the /var/tmp directory, ran the im command and then booted into the EUD with no issue. I don't have much experience here, but when you installed the im, did the system indicate a successful install?

    Logical volume disk management detected.
    info: media has tm_install version 2.9.0, release 19.0
    info: system has tm_install version 2.8.11, release 17.0
    7578 blocks
    /tmp/rpmdisk.b8qC41 /var/tmp
    info: Looking for system diagnostics package.
    info: Testing integrity of EUD package.
    info: OK
    info: Updating system diagnostics.
    info: Best available EUD release is
    info: System current EUD release is
    info: EUD update is necessary.
    info: Searching for existing EUD on sda.dat.boot
    info: Installing EUD release
    info: OK
     Update complete.
     For more information on this version of the EUD, please
     refer to the release notes available on the support
     web site (
  • Thank you for testing Kevin, did you try to run the actual EUD test? Monday I'm in the office again and can test it this way. All five F5's I tested EUD on were already running version out of the box. Don't know if I can overwrite with the same version, will test Monday.


  • Kevin_K_51432's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi Robert, I ran the test, below are the results. I'd be sure to log in as root for the re-install.

    Select a Menu Item: s
    Display Summary
    ******************* TEST SUMMARY *****************
         1 System Report                  PASSED
         2 Transceiver Report             PASSED
         3 Sensor Test                    PASSED
         4 Memory Test                    PASSED
         5 Drive Test                     PASSED
         6 Packet Path Test               PASSED
         7 Power Supply Test              PASSED
         8 Fan Test                       PASSED
    Total number of tests that ran:      8
    Total number of tests that passed:   8
    Total warnings in log:               0
    Total errors in log:                 0
       Overall Test Result: PASSED
    Product:       F5 Networks End User Diagnostics
    Build:         EUD_SF build
    Platform:      BIG-IP i5000 Series
    Serial Number: f5-abcd-efgh
    Appliance Tests:
     1   System Report ........................... PASSED
     2   Transceiver Report ...................... PASSED
     3   Sensor Test ............................. PASSED
     4   Memory Test (20 min) .................... PASSED
     5   Drive Test .............................. PASSED
     6   Packet Path Test ........................ PASSED
     7   Power Supply Test ....................... PASSED
     8   Fan Test ................................ PASSED
    Interactive Tests:
    20   LED Test (Interactive)
    21   LCD Test (Interactive)


  • I took an other i4000 of the shelve (other units from Friday are send out) to test EUD. This one had (eud_info) pre-installed.

    Starting F5 Networks Linux Test Environment
    Identifying motherboard...
    Configuring for C115 motherboard...
    To check for the latest version of the EUD, including details
    of functional changes, go to:
    Product:       F5 Networks End User Diagnostics
    Build:         EUD_SF build
    Platform:      BIG-IP i4000 Series
    Serial Number: f5-xxxx-xxxx

    So is working correctly. I updated the EUD to and tried to run again and still works like it should...

    I asked my colleague to check the EUD on the other units that had the issue Friday.