Forum Discussion

Ganesh_Garg's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 20, 2014

err tmm[11662]: 01220001:3: TCL error:

We have 2 LTM boxes in our organization, on which we have done the upgrade from 10.2.4 HF7 to 11.4.1 HF5. On the previous version we have implemented a Irule for a specific client, Which is not working in the upgraded version. We are getting below error in LTM: -


Error log

Nov 16 10:04:11 seallb02 err tmm[11662]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/vodafoneit_irule - can't read "::vodafoneit_users": no such variable while executing "class lookup [HTTP::username] $::vodafoneit_users"


Please also find the Irule we have configured.



when HTTP_REQUEST { binary scan [md5 [HTTP::password]] H* password


 if { [class lookup [HTTP::username] $::vodafoneit_users] equals $password } {
     log local0. "User [HTTP::username] has been authorized to access virtual server [virtual name]"

      Insert iRule-based application code here if necessary
 } else {
     if { [string length [HTTP::password]] != 0 } {
         log local0. "User [HTTP::username] has been denied access to virtual server [virtual name]"

     HTTP::respond 401 WWW-Authenticate "Basic realm=\"Secured Area\""



  • Thanks for the information.. Can you also let me know how the Irule should be(Syntax)?


    • Brad_Parker's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Like Jie said, remove $::, but I would add the partition to help with consistency and efficiency. /Common/vodafoneit_users if it's in Common
  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    Try just removing "$::" and see how it goes, assuming there is no issue with partition.