Forum Discussion

Mike_Maher's avatar
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Nov 05, 2012

Encoded Exchange 2010 Query String

I have an ASM v11.2 protecting the Active Sync between PDA's and an Exchange environment. It looks like that when a Windows device (7 or 8) tries is syncing that the query string gets encoded and I cannot see the parameters and values. When an iOS device syncs the strings do not get encoded. This is obviously casuing a problem in building the ASM policy.


I know that I can make it into two seperate policies by splitting traffic at the HTTP Class, but I would prefer not to do that.



Does anyone know of a why to have ASM decode the encoded query strings for Exchange 2010? It does not appear that is it just straight base64 otherwise I would do it with an iRule. Any help would be appreciated.



  • Hi Mike,



    Can you post a copy of an encoded URL?



    Thanks, Aaron