Forum Discussion

David_G__33241's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 01, 2015

Edge Client Installation

I am using MSIEXEC to deploy the Edge Client using the following paramaters:   msiexec /i f5fpclients.msi /qb! /promptrestart   This works fine however if a previous version already exists the...
  • kunjan_118660's avatar
    May 01, 2015

    Try this

    MsiExec.exe /i "f5fpclients.msi" STARTAPPWITHWINDOWS=1 /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress /l* c:\build\logs\F5BIGIPClient.log ARPNOREMOVE=1 ARPNOMODIFY=1 ALLUSERS=1 REINSTALLMODE=vomus REINSTALL=ALL