Forum Discussion

AlgebraicMirror's avatar
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Jun 23, 2015

Does F5 APM support Microsoft RDP "RemoteApp" mode, or just full remote desktops

I've been looking for documentation on this and haven't been able to find any. Does anyone know if F5 supports Microsoft RDP "RemoteApps"? This is the feature where you can have a desktop fat-client application window be presented to the remote user, so they can use just the application you give them. This is in contrast to the normal mode of giving them an RDP window with the entire remote desktop in it. (Note: These are not web apps that can be shared with portal access or something. This would be like giving the user an RDP window of just the notepad.exe application, rather than an RDP window of a full Windows desktop with notepad.exe on it).


RemoteApps are part of Microsoft Remote Desktop Services, and you can open them in the native Microsoft RDP client, so I'm just trying to understand if that can be done with F5's plugin. I'm asking this question because I'm helping do a migration from Microsoft's discontinued UAG product (which does support this), to F5 APM.


I've been trying to use the "Customer Parameters" field in the APM's Microsoft RDP object, with the goal of putting in various RDP parameters like those pictured below. But I haven't been able to get it to give me less than a desktop, so I'm trying to figure out if this is supported behavior and I'm just not putting in the right parameters, or if it doesn't work at all.