Forum Discussion

saidshow_251381's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Aug 23, 2016

Does BIG IP Ver. 12.X support automatic updates of the Geo Location Database?



We are using F5 BIG IP Ver 11.6.0 at the moment. We did employ Geo-blocking for a while however we found that we needed to manually update the DB or we were soon outdated and we saw some IPs being incorrectly identified as IP addresses are reissued.


I have heard that F5 BIG IP Ver 12.0/12.1 allows to Geo Location databases to udpate automatically. I have tried to find official documentation on this however I have not been able to find any information at all. Is anyone able to confirm or point me in the right direction of the documentation that shows Ver 12.0/12.1 does support automatic updates of the Geo Locations databases? Thank You


Kind Regards Chris


  • Chris,


    I don't believe this has been done. The current solution article for updating the database list version 12.x under 'Applies To':



    Also, I do know there is an enhancement request still open on this internally.


    Thanks, Tikka


    • boneyard's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      nice, thanks for sharing.


      anyone asked F5 about the RFE recently?


  • I think an iRule will help to automate geo location db. here is one discussion thread


    • boneyard's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      that isn't an iRule but a perl script which should be run on an external server, might work in your case but not everyone's choice.


  • Tikka_Nagi_1315's avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    I don't believe this has been done. The current solution article for updating the database list version 12.x under 'Applies To':



    Also, I do know there is an enhancement request still open on this internally.


    Thanks, Tikka


    • boneyard's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      question's about it since v10 but not important enough it seems. do you have the RFE ID should people can tag along?