Forum Discussion

kridsana's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Feb 11, 2018

DNS express with local bind make a duplicate and fail record



From John article.


We try to use do the same (DNS express from local bind) but we found the problem


We have to insert localhost in match-client {} cause if not, Transfer zone will not success


But when we do that, When we create record in zonerunner we found duplicate record (we have two viewes and we found record which created on each views) and we can't resolve it name on particular views.


Did anyone experience this?


Can we change that "localhost" to something else?


Thank you


  • Let's me explain a bit more


    We have two views (external and internal). and we want to dns express from specific zone and we config that zone in internal views. So we need to input "localhost" in match-client to make F5 can get the zone.


    Problem is when we input that in match-client. When we create record in external views (assume IP A) and internal view (IP B) It's show on both IP on both views.(abnormal)


    and when we resolve name which we create in external views--> we got no IP but when we resolve name which we create in internal views--> we got two IP (one in external and one in internal)


    Problem gone when we delete localhost in match-client but if we do that , dns express from local bind - internal view won't work