Forum Discussion

Robert_47833's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jul 22, 2015

disable irule process for the request not for the whole tcp connection

hi ,Iurle I need to stop irule process for the exact http request ,not for the whole tcp connection ,how to achieve this?


  • Understood this topic is discussing some race conditions applied on iRule http events;

    client 1 --> http request1 --> F5 --> http request1 --> server
    client 1 --> http request2 --> F5 --> http request2 --> server
    client 1 --> http request3 --> F5 --> http request3 --> server
    client 1 <-- http request1 <-- F5 <-- http response1 <-- server
    client 1 <-- http request2 <-- F5 <-- http response2 <-- server
    client 1 <-- http request3 <-- F5 <-- http response3 <-- server

    From LTM perspective, LTM will not process the subsequent request (but rather put it on the request queue instead)until first response is back from backend pool memeber.

    Even pipelining is enabled on client side and multiple requests come in at same time, LTM will still serialize them and process them according to the sequence (FIFO).

    So in our case, variable has been set in request 1 will not be messed up even request 2 comes in earlier than response 1.