Forum Discussion

Ali_Norouzi's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 23, 2020

"did not find any disks" error during performing clean installation on BIG-IP

My BIG-IP 6900's CF disk is faulty and the system doesn't boot. I tried to reinstall the OS on that disk. I followed below link's instruction do do installation by USB media. System boots from the USB but when I want to start installing the OS on the CF disk below error appears.



bash (try 'info') / > diskinit -style volumes

info: The following disks will be modified: CF1



*** All software and data on this system is about to be destroyed!

*** No bootable software images will remain.

*** You will then need to install software to the system before

*** it will again be bootable.

*** (it is always possible to boot from USB devices)


Ready to reformat. Continue? (y|n) [n] --> y

info: Removing all filesystems, volumes, and partitions on hda.

info: Shutting down volume group for hda

info: Erasing di hda:sk hda



info: Removing all filesystems, volumes, and partitions on hda.

info: Shutting down volume group for hda

info: Erasing di hda:sk hda



error: tm_install::Process::Process_default_init -- did not find any disks.




I tried to check the disk by fdisk and it was OK and I could format it by fdisk and partitioned it again without any error. I even changed the with a new one but same error appeared.


  • Hope you are following correct article K13117. if still issue. please open case with F5 support.