Forum Discussion

David_M's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jun 21, 2019

Devcentral email response adds the entire signature to the response!

Here's another one to the long list of goof ups.   I used the email reply feature from my work id and on checking the answer I saw it has my entire work signature along with my email and phone n...
  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member
    Jun 21, 2019

    Hi David;


    Regarding this specific feature, the SaaS rich text editor does not support this feature. It's QuillJS but feature restricted to comply withe SaaS locker service. This was also a change that was made while we were mid deployment so we really didn't have much time to figure out a workaround while staying compliant with the systems security policies.


    Most of the issues you're raising the DevCentral team is raising or already was raising as we launched. We have a laundry list of things we're working on so this will take some time to get sorted out but the several SaaS vendors that now integrate to make up the new DevCentral are very aware of the shortcomings we are facing and are working with us to make their products better.


    Time will tell.