Forum Discussion

M_187467's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 25, 2015

Destination ip address persistence

Hello friends,   Can any one explain a scenario where destination ip address persistence is used ?   -sam  
  • nitass_89166's avatar
    Apr 26, 2015

    Destination address Persistence


    Persistence based on the destination address is much like source address persistence. Except that the F5 examines the destination of the packet rather than the source. Now, you might ask yourself, when would this actually be useful? Think of a setup where an LTM is load balancing a set of proxy servers that are doing caching. Clients would be forced through the proxies to the external site (read destination) and the proxy would cache that site. Going forward, it would make sense to balance clients going to the same destination to the same proxy since that particular proxy already has the website cached.


    F5 LTM VE – Configuring Persistence