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asotoaec's avatar
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Feb 07, 2024

Decode BIG-IP performance files

Hi everyone, I'm trying to extract the performance data from a QKview, this is to generate way charts and export automatic reports.

I'm running into the problem because the files are encoded in a format that I can't find a way to read them, I'd like to know if some F5 genius can give me a hint of how I can export the performance data from an uncompressed qkview from .tgz

This is an example of the output from a performance file in /shared/tmstat/snapshots/blade0/performance/100/blade0-performance-10-2024-02-06T08_27_20

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  • Those files are TMM's idea of resource usage. Remember that TMM is a user space microkernel so it has its own scheduler and memory management. So its idea about "free memory" and "cpu use" is different than the linux kernel's. To read what its statistics are, you can use:

    tmctl -a -f <tmstat table file>


    This solution article has more information about it:


    These files are a binary-only format and the column alignments sometimes change by version so make sure to use matching version tmstat table files and tmctl binary.

  • Those files are TMM's idea of resource usage. Remember that TMM is a user space microkernel so it has its own scheduler and memory management. So its idea about "free memory" and "cpu use" is different than the linux kernel's. To read what its statistics are, you can use:

    tmctl -a -f <tmstat table file>


    This solution article has more information about it:


    These files are a binary-only format and the column alignments sometimes change by version so make sure to use matching version tmstat table files and tmctl binary.

    • asotoaec's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Thanks Lucas, your answer was very usefull for me.

  • asotoaec I believe you can gather the data you are looking for from the performance stats export on the F5. You would go to "Statistics" -> "Dashboard" then in the top right click on "ACTIONS" dropdown and finally click on "Download Data (CSV)". From here you can select timeframe, metrics, data, and then click download.

  • You can also use the RESTfull API and query the F5 on a schedule.

    Alternatively, you can also perhaps investigate SNMP OIDs that may be helpful.

    Not sure it is good use of time to reverse engineer the F5 product to obtain stats from a static snapshot in time. I am not aware of the format used here — have you tried using mine files and testing the file via standard unix commands?