Forum Discussion

Masterbaker_119's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 13, 2013

Dashboard history question

Hello all!



I was given a history export from the BigIp Dashboard (see attached "dashboard view.jpg"). That CSV file is chock-full of juicy information but I can't guess what the columns means. See attached file for the column list.


I am looking inside our company to find the person who actually configured this but so far no luck... that's why i'm coming here.


(Also, google and DevCentral have very little relevant info related to the subject... unless "bigip Dashboard CSV history" are wrong search terms.)



My question is twofold :


1 - Are all those CSV fields documented somewhere? Here are a couple of examples of the fields (Seems like I can't upload an XLS here, sorry)


Date/Time Total RAM Free RAM Total TMM Memory Tmm Memory Used User Ticks System Ticks Idle Ticks Client Bytes In Client Bytes Out Server Bytes In Server Bytes Out HTTP Compression SSL Curr Client Conns SSL Curr Server Conns SSL Tot Native Client Conns SSL Tot Common Client Conns SSL Tot Native Server Conns SSL Tot Common Server Conns Tot Client Conns


2 - What's with the funky date/times in that file? How is the data collected? Is it related to the number of requests that pass through the F5, or some sort of setup on our side? Seems like it collects the data for history purposes every 110 minutes, which you must admit is an unusual number.


Here's a small sample of the date and time of the rows...


2013-05-14 12:40


2013-05-14 14:30


2013-05-14 16:20


2013-05-14 18:10


2013-05-14 20:00


2013-05-14 21:50


2013-05-14 23:40


2013-05-15 01:30


2013-05-15 03:20


2013-05-15 05:10


2013-05-15 07:00


2013-05-15 08:50


2013-05-15 10:40


2013-05-15 12:30


2013-05-15 14:20


2013-05-15 16:10


2013-05-15 18:00


2013-05-15 19:50


2013-05-15 21:40


2013-05-15 23:30


2013-05-16 01:20


2013-05-16 03:10


2013-05-16 05:00


2013-05-16 06:50


2013-05-16 08:40


2013-05-16 10:30


Any help appreciated! Thanks.


  • Regarding 1) anyway;

    Date/Time - The current date and time
    Total RAM - Total memory available to the system including the HMS and TMM
    Free RAM - Total unused memory in the system including the HMS and TMM
    Total TMM Memory - Total memory available to TMM only (includes LTM)
    Tmm Memory Used - Total unused memory available to TMM only (includes LTM)
    User Ticks - see here: - this counter relates to user process CPU usage time
    System Ticks - as above - this counter relates to system process CPU usage time
    Idle Ticks - as above - this counter relates to unused CPU time
    Client Bytes In - Bytes received from clients (from a TCP/IP perspective)
    Client Bytes Out - Bytes sent to clients (from a TCP/IP perspective)
    Server Bytes In - Bytes received from servers (from a TCP/IP perspective)
    Server Bytes Out - Bytes sent to servers (from a TCP/IP perspective)
    HTTP Compression - size of content that was compressed, before it was compressed
    SSL Curr Client Conns - current number of SSL/TLS connections terminated locally using a ClientSSL profile (F5 is server)
    SSL Curr Server Conns - current number of SSL/TLS connections to remote/real servers using a ServerSSL profile (F5 is client)
    SSL Tot Native Client Conns - current number of SSL/TLS connections terminated locally using a ClientSSL profile (F5 is server) and a native (hardware accelerated) cipher
    SSL Tot Common Client Conns - current number of SSL/TLS connections terminated locally using a ClientSSL profile (F5 is server) and compat (OpenSL) cipher
    SSL Tot Native Server Conns - current number of SSL/TLS connections to remote/real servers using a ServerSSL profile (F5 is client) and a native (hardware accelerated) cipher
    SSL Tot Common Server Conns - current number of SSL/TLS connections to remote/real servers using a ServerSSL profile (F5 is client) and compat (OpenSL) cipher
    Tot Client Conns - current total number of TCP/IP client connections - I'm not entirely sure how this figure is derived (do SNAT only connections etc. count?)

    If anyone else can clarify that last one I'd be grateful.

  • Hi Sir,


    questions: 1. Is the total client connection is the same as the new connections 2. Current client connection is the same as the Active Connections


    Because i extracted reported logs, the total client connection is the same as the new connection as well as the current client connection is also the same as the Active connection.