Forum Discussion

rickking_77347's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 12, 2009

configuring Active Directory authentication using remoterole command

I am new to F5 and am trying to configure remoterole access to three f5 partitions. The command "b remoterole edit" returns the following error:



[root@c3600b-F5-dc1:Standby] config b remoterole edit


BIGpipe parsing error:


01020005:3: The requested operation is not implemented yet.


[root@c3600b-F5-dc1:Standby] config



Is there something I need to enable in order for remoterole edit to work? I am running tmos version 9.4.7



  • 'b remoterole edit' doesn't work on v10.1, so I'm not sure why it's listed in the CLI options in 9.4.x. You can check 'b remoterole help' for the full command syntax. Else, you could possibly edit the bigip_sys.conf file and run 'b load' if that's easier for you.



  • Thanks for the quick reply. My F5 contact told me the same thing. Yeah, I just got the command from the command line reference guide so I'm not sure why it's there either. At any rate, going back to the old-style "bigpipe remoterole role info" syntax and staying away from modifying bigip_sys.conf directly if possible. Thanks again.



  • did you get remoterole working ok? can you post your remoterole syntax? thanks.