Forum Discussion

amolari's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Feb 19, 2015

Complete F5 Automated Backup Solution / f5.automated_backup.v2.0.tmpl



tried the iApp, very nice. I've seen it's not possible to create multiple AppServices using the template. If we try we get an error refering to the iCall object. I beleive it's because the iCall object name is hardcoded ("f5.automated_backup-handler"). Anyone performed a change in the iApp to allow such deployment? If so, could you share the modification please?






  • I confess that I have edited the original template for my use. because when effected remote transfer, the line "exec rm -f backupDirectory/$fnameBACKUPFILESCRIPTEXTENSION" was keeping the box full of backups. Changed to "exec rm -f backupDirectory/${fname}BACKUPFILESCRIPTEXTENSION". As for the names, I put the variable "$tmsh::app_name" because I also needed the UCS and SCF backup at the same time.


  • THi's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    Simple partition based (partial) backup would be useful, when using partitions/route domains for multitenancy.
  • What use case do you have for running more than one backup solution on a system?