Forum Discussion

Rukshan's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 28, 2020

Cannot modify Alias Service Port of a HTTP monitor


Could someone please help me to find the reason for this error. I want to change the "Alias service port " of a monitor from HTTP to All ports,


#modify ltm monitor http coursecleaner destination *:*

01070374:3: Cannot modify the address type of monitor /Common/coursecleaner.

  • Hi


    I think its because the monitor is associated to an object and so you are unable to edit the destination. If you disassociate it you should be able to make your change.

  • Hi


    I think its because the monitor is associated to an object and so you are unable to edit the destination. If you disassociate it you should be able to make your change.

  • Hi iaine,


    Thank you very much for your support.. that solved my problem... I was able to change the port after disassociating from the pool.