Forum Discussion

natethegreat_23's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 23, 2016

Can we allow UTF 16 Characters in a UTF 8 policy (F5 ASM v12)?

One of the websites uses the "registered" symbol which is 0xC2 0xAE in UTF-8 and 0x00AE in UTF-16. The question is: our policy is set in UTF-8 and when I look at the allowed meta characters options I dont see anything besides the basic !@$%,etc. Is there a way that I can manually add this character or since the policy is set in UTF-8, there is nothing I can do? Thanks.


  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    natethegreat, i don't believe there is anything you can do now i'm afraid. What i would do is create a copy of the policy, change the application encoding and then use an iRule or local traffic policy to use this policy for this instance, say on a per URL basis perhaps?

