Forum Discussion

  • uni's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    I had a similar issue once. My solution was to "cat" them to the screen and save the screen output. For multiple or binary files, pack them all up into a tgz file, then convert it to base64, saving the output to a file using your terminal's logging. You can then convert it back from base64 to tgz.


    • meenny_60187's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Uni, good to know that it's do-able. I'm not familiar with the method that you have proposed though. Can you provide some detail as to how I would go about doing that? How would I "cat" them to a screen?
  • I had a similar issue once. My solution was to "cat" them to the screen and save the screen output. For multiple or binary files, pack them all up into a tgz file, then convert it to base64, saving the output to a file using your terminal's logging. You can then convert it back from base64 to tgz.


    • meenny_60187's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Uni, good to know that it's do-able. I'm not familiar with the method that you have proposed though. Can you provide some detail as to how I would go about doing that? How would I "cat" them to a screen?