Forum Discussion

kridsana's avatar
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Jul 20, 2018

Can GTM/DNS Redirect URL?



From this guide


What the result of this guide? I've configured it and I found nothing happen. (May be I config it wrong)


From my understanding, When user enter URL "" , F5 will return CNAME ";


But in browser, URL can't possibly change to "; , Am I correct?


So how can F5 really redirect to new URL "; when access URL ""?


Thank you


  • Hi Stewart


    So URL is the same as before due to F5 DNS can't send http redirect But It will send request to the correct webserver, Am I right?


    cause If I make a request for the after a few queries It will returned the A record for And browser will send "GET /" to webserver of


  • Hi kridsana.


    A DNS response isn't going to be able to send an http redirect.


    It looks like the article you reference above shows you how to set up a CNAME record to reference another WideIP. That WideIP contains the A record that you want to return.


    In the article: If you make a request for the A record, you are, after a few queries returned the A record for