Forum Discussion

Travis_02_13395's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 25, 2013

BigIP GTM Appliance stuck in Reboot in progress...

Hello All,


So I have a question concerning booting to different partitions from withing the web GUI of the BigIP GTM 11.2. In my partition list I have listed 11.2 and 11.3. I had done all of my configuration in 11.2 and wanted to boot to 11.3 to verify if I had to re-do all of my configuration on that partition as well(I had kind of assumed I would have to). If I wasn't ready to do this configuration all over again, I would simply just reboot back to the 11.2 partition. However, when I chose to make the 11.3 partition active, the web GUI started it's check of Shutting down device and Reboot in progress. However, for the last two and a half hours, it has been at Reboot in progress. I cannot SSH or ping the device from my workstation and the device is located in another data center. This device will be replacing our current GTM's and at the moment is not in production(thank goodness). We do have two of these new appliances and the other one I left at 11.2, and it's fine. I can use the web GUI and SSH on this appliance.


I was about to head to the other data center to manually reboot but thought that this could have adverse effects so I decided against it. I have a feeling the device is powered off and just sitting there doing nothing, but I could be wrong.


My question is, what does one do in a situation like this? Any information is helpful as I am still fairly new to the F5 community. Thanks again.


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    I use the console...


    For a standalone unit (e.g. Not Viprion), from the console you can access the AOM (Service processor) and manually reset the host. If you've set it up ahead of time, you can ssh into the AOM on its IP address and access the hostconsh application from which you can reset the host.


    For a Viprion, you can simply reset from the vCMP manager.

