Forum Discussion

SEnto's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 18, 2024

BIG-IP VE license revocation/reuse

Do I need a support contract in order to request the revocation and subsequent reuse of a BIG-IP VE license on a different BIG-IP VE system (change of underlying platform)


  • Unfortunately I don't think this would be possible. If the BIG-IP does not have outbound Internet access then you will need to contact F5 Support to deactivate the license on the original BIG-IP VE. This will then allow you activate the license on another BIG-IP VE.

  • SEnto's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Thank you Michael, would you know if this can be done offline though as I don't have routes/connectivity outside of a secure network?

    • Unfortunately I don't think this would be possible. If the BIG-IP does not have outbound Internet access then you will need to contact F5 Support to deactivate the license on the original BIG-IP VE. This will then allow you activate the license on another BIG-IP VE.