Forum Discussion

MichalM_358422's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 13, 2018

BIG - IP LTM License - upgrade options

Hello, I have some questions regarding to the BIG-IP LTM license and upgrade possibilities. 1) How can I determine what kind of license I have? The License tab says only LTM 25M, Perpetual; I would like to know the license code (whether it is F5-BIG-LTM-VE-25MV12 or F5-BIG-LTM-VE-25MV13), is it possible to check? 2) Based on the license type, how can I know what kind of upgrade path are possible for me? If I have (for example) F5-BIG-LTM-VE-25MV12, does it allow me to upgrade up to 12.x releases?


Thank you in advance.


  • Surgeon's avatar
    Ret. Employee

    Q. How can I determine what kind of license I have?


    A. You can see the whole license capabilities in /config/bigip.license file.


    What do you mean by telling "How can I determine what kind of license I have?"


    Q. Based on the license type, how can I know what kind of upgrade path are possible for me?


    A. Version upgrade path depend on hardware and your service contract validity. It does not depend on license.