Forum Discussion

werner_verheyle's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
May 31, 2023

BGP stops advertising after upgrade

Hello , 

we have an LTM VE in  a HA cluster . We have defined a couple of route domain (RD) and have enabled BGP/BFD for these route domains .

There is a BGP routing configuration present (imish -r RD) . In this configuration peer devices are defined , and by putting RHI (route health injection) we advertise our virtual servers towards these bgp peers .

The current setup is running on version and is working since long time without any issue.

AS v13 is going end of life we tried to upgrade recently to v14.1.5.2 . The upgrade itself went smooth . New version was activated , all pools and virtual servers were present as before. Initially all looked ok .

When we checked out BGP peer (show ip bgp summary) we could see that the peering was established , again this looked ok . But when checking the advertised routes , no routes were being advertised . 

"sh ip bgp neighbour x.x.x.x advertised-routes" --> showed no routes present , whereas before we had about 10 virtual servers being announced in v13

I'm aware of article concerning BGP advertising . But this is the case when you receive a route , and try to advertise it then from F5 (back to front advertising) .

In our case F5 is end device , and just announcing these virtual servers. So we are not receiving any BGP update and then sending these routes on .

IN the end we needed to rollback to v13 again , by booting from partition with old version . Once this was done all started working again including BGP .

Any idea what could be issue here ? (i've pasted our BGP config here below , it's quite basic)

we use a routemap for blocking incoming updates (DENY-ALL) and with routemap  "KERNEL2BGP" we control which virtual servers we can advertise . (each ip we want to announce it mentioned in this routemap)

router bgp F5-AS
bgp router-id F5-selfIP
bgp always-compare-med
bgp log-neighbor-changes
bgp graceful-restart restart-time 120
redistribute kernel route-map KERNEL2BGP
neighbor peer-IP remote-as "remote-as-nr"
neighbor peer-IP description "xxx"
neighbor peer-IP update-source selfip-address
neighbor peer-IP password "xxx"
neighbor peer-IP timers 3 9
neighbor peer-IP fall-over bfd
neighbor peer-IP next-hop-self
neighbor peer-IP soft-reconfiguration inbound
neighbor peer-IP route-map DENY-ALL in


  • Hi werner_verheyle , 

    First you should take this TMOS Version v14.1.5.2 and open F5 Bug tracker web site and see all of it's Bugs , maybe you will find bug related to BGP or BFDs or Advertising routes. 

    Look at this : 
    I got it from Bug tracker , it's a bug related to V14.1.5.2. 

    > the other thing , you have to raise a case with F5 support , you may get hotfix to cover this issue. 

  • Hi werner_verheyle , 

    First you should take this TMOS Version v14.1.5.2 and open F5 Bug tracker web site and see all of it's Bugs , maybe you will find bug related to BGP or BFDs or Advertising routes. 

    Look at this : 
    I got it from Bug tracker , it's a bug related to V14.1.5.2. 

    > the other thing , you have to raise a case with F5 support , you may get hotfix to cover this issue. 

    • werner_verheyle's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      thx , i'll open a case for this .  

      Just a remaining question , from bug report i can see this is also applicable on the version we use now ( v13.1.1.5 ) . So asking myself why we never encountered this before . Seems to be present in all version & only engineering hotfix will help

      • Mohamed_Ahmed_Kansoh's avatar
        Icon for MVP rankMVP

        Hi werner_verheyle , 
        I see there are multiple bugs related to BGP and BFD Flapping. 

        anyway , Beside opening Case with F5 to request Hotfix , 

        Review this Article please :

        navigate virtual address  settings to see if { Route advertisement } enabled or not , also have you checked it after upgrade or not ? 

        I recommend that you can try to upgrade in VE as a test to V14.1.5.2 and see if the Route advertisement value in each Virtual address changed in Version 14 or everything still the same.