Forum Discussion

Basem_Mukhtar_3's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 02, 2018

best file types to apply compression

when studying the web acceleration,I come to a point when someone said that there's certain types of files in which applying compression is useless such as videos and images,while others are very useful such as text and html. I want to know is this true and why


  • It is always better to go for non-natively compressed files such as xml, json, htc, plain text. Where as natively compressed files such as gif, png should be avoided as they end up in increasing CPU usage and sometimes file size as well.


    • Basem_Mukhtar_3's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      does this mean that compression is more effective with html than videos or images?


  • It is always better to go for non-natively compressed files such as xml, json, htc, plain text. Where as natively compressed files such as gif, png should be avoided as they end up in increasing CPU usage and sometimes file size as well.


    • Basem_Mukhtar_3's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      does this mean that compression is more effective with html than videos or images?