Forum Discussion

littlebunny's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 25, 2019

Bandwidth controller - maximum number of users/connections?



We currently have a bandwidth policy applied to one of our virtual servers in order to limit the amount of bandwidth each unique source IP gets. The iRule is as follows:



set CDNcookie [IP::remote_addr]

BWC::policy attach CDN_throttling $CDNcookie



The bandwidth policy is named CDN_throttling, has a maximum rate of 500mbps and a maximum rate per user of 250mbps. The issue we're seeing is that when too many devices from the same source IP download files from the virtual server, their transfer rate is so slow that it times out. Is it possible to limit the number of users or connections that can connect simultaneously? For example, rather than have 100 devices connect and download simultaneously, only allow 20 at a time and once a connection is freed up allow a new one.




  • Hi Niels


    Rather than an overall connection limit, we want to have a limit per-unique source IP. For example if 100 devices try to connect with a source IP of, only 20 of them should be allowed simultaneously. If another 100 devices try to connect at the same time with a source IP of, they should also be allowed 20 connections. Is there a way to do this using the method you suggested or does it require an iRule?




  • Try making the following changes:


    Set the connection limit of the pool member to 20 connections.



    Additionaly you could enable 'Request Queueing' on the pool itself. Instead of rejecting a new connection when the limit of 20 is reached, it will queue the connection and send it to the pool member when there is some capacity again.