Forum Discussion

The_Engima_Code's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 24, 2015




I am running a backup script on F5s and noticed that one of the F5s have a backup file size 340MB whereas its peer has the backup size 192 MB. Does anyone know why the file sizes are different.




  • depending on what modules you are running it could be a number of things. I would have a look inside the UCS and see what the biggest files are in each, it should you obvious straight away where the discrepancy is. The SOL below has more info on this procedure...

    tar xzvf /shared/backup.ucs -C /shared/SOL12278/
    find /shared/SOL12278/ -xdev -type f | xargs du | sort -rn | head -5
    93740   ucs/var/tmp/filestore_temp/files_d/Common_d/epsec_package_d/:Common:epsec-1.0.0-343.0.iso_39857_1
    38728   ucs/var/tmp/filestore_temp/files_d/Common_d/epsec_package_d/:Common:epsec-1.0.0-321.0.iso_34752_1
    18440   ucs/var/tmp/filestore_temp/files_d/Common_d/sandbox_file_d/:Common:hosted-content::BIGIPEdgeClient20131211-03.exe_1386755520672_30169_1
    18440   ucs/var/tmp/filestore_temp/files_d/Common_d/sandbox_file_d/:Common:hosted-content::BIGIPEdgeClient20131211-01.exe_1386754937182_30166_1
    18440   ucs/var/tmp/filestore_temp/files_d/Common_d/sandbox_file_d/:Common:hosted-content::BIGIPEdgeClient20131211-00.exe_1386715165319_29750_1
