Forum Discussion

ghost-rider_124's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 30, 2015

Attack signature - learning suggestion not showing actual request

Hello Experts


Attack signatures are in staging state. There are learning suggestions for attack signatures. In learning suggestion, If I click 'Recent Incidents' then I can see the actual request. But some learning suggestion, I am not able to see the actual request. Attached is the screenshot.


Kindly advise what is the problem and how I can see the actual request.


  • Learning suggestions might have been overwritten. You can go to Security --> Event Logs --> Application requests and use advance filter. In that select violation as "attack signature detected" and in search string select "signature id" from dropdown and put the copy the signature id you are looking for. That should give the detailed request.


    • ghost-rider_124's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks. I checked that but its not showing anything :( What else I can do?
  • it could also be the case you don't have a logging profile attached to your virtual server.


  • For some of learning suggestion for attack signature, I am able to see the actual request using the method mentioned by Patrik. But not working for all the learning suggestions.