Forum Discussion

Maneesh_72711's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Mar 05, 2014

ASM Config Sync

Have a query regarding ASM, if I have got ASM module running on LTM and someone makes changed on the active ASM box but not on the Standby one, would the LTM's also show out of SYNC.


I have a requirement where two different teams would be managing the ASM and LTM respectively, the ASM managing team would not have the capability to SYNC the configs so if they make a change only to the active ASM would my LTM's also show out of SYNC.


  • Is there a way I can provide the ASM admins to provide the functionality to do config sync but they dont have any more authorizations apart from doing changes in ASM config and doing a config sync but not be able to touch the LTM configs. Currently they are configured with below Role and console access.


    Role - Web Application Security Administrator Console - Disabled