Forum Discussion

  • Hello,


    This behaviour occur only for you or for all users ?




  • Hi,


    it can be :


    • DNS configured in the network access is unreachable
    • proxy or proxy.pac is not accessible from network access
    • no lease pool or no IP available for use in the lease pool

    hope it helps




  • Hi,


    it can be :


    • DNS configured in the network access is unreachable
    • proxy or proxy.pac is not accessible from network access
    • no lease pool or no IP available for use in the lease pool

    hope it helps




  • Hello Zico,


    if it's testing lab, it will give us more flexibility to investigate.


    So you have to type of deployement for Full VPN. You can use lease pool for your user (Specific IP) or just Snat (you will use a unique IP for all your user).


    • Using Lease Pool

    If you use lease pool you have to set in your Network access profil a lease pool and especially do not set snat pool just let defol settings (none). However you have to set Snat to automap in your VS that will host VPN service. Then you have have to set up the routing for lease pool that you want to use. to reach the lease pool for the return packages you have to define your floating IP as GW...


    An fo cours open flow in your fw for let self, floating and lease pool reach proxy, proxy pac service, dns and all ressource that user have access.


    • Without lease pool (snat automap set in network access profile):

    the architecture is a little simpler because you do not need to manage the routing part for the leasepool.however, even though you set the snat pool to automap you still have to configure a lease pool even if it is not used (is mandatory). ...


    Let me now if you need assistance.

