Forum Discussion

alex100_194614's avatar
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Nov 30, 2015

APM Remote Desktop auto-logon without password fails

Hi all,


I am trying to configure auto logon for remote desktop for one of my clients with blank/empty password. Quite a strange requirement but... So, I am struggling trying to get it to work. I am using custom session variables to pass domain and username information but having trouble passing an empty password. I have tried to set pw variable string to and leaving it empty but that just results in failed login or refusal to attempt to logon. Leaving Password source blank neither works.


Does anyone have an idea how to do this the right way if possible at all?


Thanks in advance.




  • I assume you're using a variable assign in the VPE to set these session variables? If so, you need to set the password variable to secure. I've seen this cause issues.


    Let me know if you already have this configured and we'll look at other options.


  • Just to add some clarity, I am using a variable assign in VPE to set the variables. I have tried setting pw variable to secure as you advised but without a change still getting negative results. I have also tested on different end point, Win 2008 R2 (server in the domain) using username and password and was able to logon without an issue. Perhaps, I have tested setting password variable to secure and insecure and both worked.


  • Your syntax looks correct on the first variable assign screenshot: session.custom.pw1 = return {""}


    You defiantly want to use return vs. expr which is a common mistake with strings.


    What version of TMOS is this on? Can you upload a screenshot of your full VPE and the resource assign?


  • Cody,


    I am on TMOS v 11.6 HF6 Here is the screenshot:


    DA branch is for troubleshooting and testing to simplify things and eliminate additional factors . Variable assign would eventually move to "success" branch after AD Query.


  • To close this out, I have received an official response from support team. According to the support guy, dev team has confirmed that it isn't possible to pass an empty password to Remote Desktop logon.