Forum Discussion

Johnnyx_304575's avatar
Dec 30, 2016

APM Portal App Tunnel Plugins

I'm pretty happy with how the App Tunnel works when you can get it working. It seems most newer browsers don't support the plugin or you have to go through a lot of trouble that the average user won't know how or be willing to do. I've been successful on certain versions of IE, I had to downgrade Firefox to an almost ancient version, and I can get it to work in Chrome when using the IE extension. Are there any other options to using App Tunnels without the plugin? What is F5 doing to rectify this problem? This would be a great solution if it was more user friendly. As it is I almost prefer an anyconnect VPN over using F5s solution even though there is so much power and security behind F5s solution... that is if the user is actually able to use it.


  • The next version, 13, has support for Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Edge Browser by means of a custom protocol scheme and app launcher. Apptunnels this way only work in Windows but VPN and Endpoint Checks work on all platforms. v13 is scheduled for first calendar quarter 2017. Betas are available now if you'd like to test the new feature.


    You can also use Java Apptunnels if you want to run an applet. This works on Mac, Linux, and Windows in all versions of APM.


  • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    The next version, 13, has support for Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Edge Browser by means of a custom protocol scheme and app launcher. Apptunnels this way only work in Windows but VPN and Endpoint Checks work on all platforms. v13 is scheduled for first calendar quarter 2017. Betas are available now if you'd like to test the new feature.


    You can also use Java Apptunnels if you want to run an applet. This works on Mac, Linux, and Windows in all versions of APM.


    • Johnnyx_304575's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Thanks Lucas! This is the answer I was hoping for. I will have to do some reading on Java Apptunnels.


    • Johnnyx_304575's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Does the Java Apptunnel only work for RDP connections or does it work for SSH as well? The only example that I can find of a Java Apptunnel deals with RDP. Thanks!


    • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
      Historic F5 Account

      It's agnostic about the client application/L7 data. As long as it's static unicast TCP it works.