Forum Discussion

Michael_Jenkins's avatar
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Nov 06, 2014

APM Page Customizations - Need request resource

I'm trying to customize the APM page on one of my policies (from the GUI:

Access Policy >> Customization >> Advanced
Edit Mode: Advanced

Since the normal page just says "Access was denied by an access control list", I don't always know where the user was trying to go when they got that message.

Anyone know of a way that I could add a value to the customization page to include the requested resource on that page?

  • Under multi-domain auth, I use the following code to retrieve the original URL that the user requested:


    set url [URI::encode [string map {"/F5Networks-SSO-Req?SSO_ORIG_URI=" "/"} [ACCESS::session data get "session.server.landinguri"]]]
  • Hi Walter,


    Can you elaborate on what you mean by "Under multi-domain auth?" The code I understand it's just I don't understand where exactly you are inserting it.


  • Hi Walter,


    Can you elaborate on what you mean by "Under multi-domain auth?" The code I understand it's just I don't understand where exactly you are inserting it.


  • Hi Walter,


    Can you elaborate on what you mean by "Under multi-domain auth?" The code I understand it's just I don't understand where exactly you are inserting it.


  • Sorry for the long delay... I don't know why I posted that code example for you, it was taken out of context on my side.


    In the .inc page, you can use %{session.server.landinguri} to output that variable where you want to display to the end-user.