Forum Discussion

Nathaneil0227_2's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 30, 2016

APM Licensing

Hi All/DC Experts,


Just wanted to know what is the difference of CCU and ACCESS Sessions.


I am really confused with the licensing of APM.




  • If you have 2 assigned Portal resources to 1 user, 1 CCU will be consumed.


    If any part of that operations guide is confusing, please let us know what part and we'll work to get it clarified. We do updates to the Ops Guide about every quarter as it's not "official documentation tied to a specific release", so we have more leeway in updates.


  • Nath's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Please disregard question below, I understand how licensing works but it doesn't make sense to me why is that CCU is lower than User Session even we know that:


    1user = 1 session license but this 1 user can consume 2 or more CCU due to resources like (Portal,Webtoplink, Network Access, AppTunnel etc.)



    My question is how CCU licensing works is it:


    1 CCU per Portal Access means (1 for + 1 for ) or 1 for all ( and


  • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    If you have 2 assigned Portal resources to 1 user, 1 CCU will be consumed.


    If any part of that operations guide is confusing, please let us know what part and we'll work to get it clarified. We do updates to the Ops Guide about every quarter as it's not "official documentation tied to a specific release", so we have more leeway in updates.


    • Nath's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Hi Lucas,


      Thank very much for your response here.


      So meaning if I open those 2 Portal Resource simultaneously it will just consume 1 CCU?


    • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
      Historic F5 Account

      Yes. APM can't tell the difference between one portal resource access by a user and two. The architecture doesn't work that way.


    • Nath's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Hi Lucas,


      One last question, how about I open 1 portal access and 1 application access. It will consume 2 CCU right?


      Thanks again.


  • as far as i understand it one user will consume one CCU if a CCU is applicable to the resource *). but that is one CCU maximum per session, so you have a webtop with application access, network access, ... it is still one CCU.




    user sessions are always consumed, so they are higher.