Forum Discussion

Federico_Battag's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 10, 2013

APM: How to terminate Active session

APM enviroment


Hi all, is possible to force to terminate session that are "Active" on "Access Policy >> Report" table?!? Via GUI or via CLI. I want to close Active Session when I want.




  • you could go to Access Policy - Manage Sessions.. select the sessions you want to end and click on the "kill selected sessions" at the bottom of the page..
  • Or with this funny script 🙂

    for i in $(sessiondump -list | cut -f1 -d\ ); do sessiondump -delete $i; done
  • Is it possible to write an iRule or some other way to kill ALL the sessions at 02:00 AM ?


    Thanks !


  • Is it possible to write an iRule or some other way to kill ALL the sessions at 02:00 AM ?


    Thanks !