Forum Discussion

Sergio99's avatar
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Nov 22, 2018

APM - RDP resource - lauch application with "application to start"

I'm trying to launch an application through an RDP resource, so in the RDP resource I added the “path of the application” and “working directory”. But when I test through F5, the user logs on to an RDP session with SSO with no problem, but the session immediately goes to a disconnected state after the user is logged on. I tried launching a few applications from this specific resource, and they all do the same. The user logs on and then just disconnects.


If I log into the server without F5, and paste the path under "run", the application runs fine.


I have other setup like this, that works fine. Everything on F5 is setup the same.


The only difference is this resource is pointing to a Windows 2012 server.


Any feedback on why the application would not auto launch with the F5 RDP resource I created?




  • Hi,


    What say F5 in apm log with debug mode?


    Maybe also a problem on your windows server that kill the session automatically after the session open (logon script?).